Recently relocated to Pittsburgh, PA, I am a Radio Frequency (RF) LabVIEW/Software engineer with over 10 years of LabVIEW application and software development. I focus on both software and hardware with a bit of a talent in software. I have worked at a variety of companies in a variety of locations as both a full-time employee and a contractor. I currently work for Cyient (based out of Hyderabad, India) for Hitachi Rail in Pittsburgh, PA. This website is a portfolio of my work and various other things I’ve collected over the years. I hope you will find it interesting.

Recent blog entries
A brief introduction on professionalism. Read more…
OPNsense: Setting up a Wireguard router with DHCPv6 for your IPv6 subnet
The title of this post is a bit vague, so let me explain more carefully what this post is about. With this guide, you will be able to setup OPNsense and a Wireguard client that will give you both IPv4 internet (via standard NAT) and IPv6 internet via public routed IPs. The magic is to… Read more…
Wireguard with Pi-hole, unbound and IPv6/DNSSEC/UFW
First, follow the instructions to setup Wireguard if you haven’t already done so using my guide. You may also need to update your system: sudo apt updatesudo apt upgrade Installing Pi-hole is very simple. My preferred method is to install from Git using the instructions below. Other instructions are available at the Pi-hole website. git… Read more…
5 billion points!
Now running 2 4090s, I’m doing about ~49-50 Million PPD. Read more…
- September 14, 2024: A few new pictures, changed image on front page, added a post about Pi-hole and Unbound.
- December 25, 2023: Uploaded new pictures from PGH on the photography page and refreshed the album.
- December 21, 2023: Updated images and content.
- October 31, 2023: Issues with post excerpts (limitation of the free version of Neve theme). Added a post. Other minor changes.
- August 28, 2023: Fixed more post formatting issues.
- August 5, 2023: Fixed more post formatting issues, added a post.
- August 1, 2023: Added blog posts to front page. Changed font sizes and font. Other minor updates.
- July 22, 2023: Moved site to a dedicated server. Reinstalled wiki and configured anti spam. Other updates not mentioned: Added audio page with link to IIAP field recording.
- July 13, 2023: Added missing photos to my photography page. Reuploaded all images to the WP Media library. Updated welcome page with random gallery.