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Wireguard with Pi-hole, unbound and IPv6/DNSSEC/UFW

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First, follow the instructions to setup Wireguard if you haven’t already done so using my guide. You may also need to update your system: sudo apt updatesudo apt upgrade Installing Pi-hole is very simple. My preferred method is to install from Git using the instructions below. Other instructions are available at the Pi-hole website. git clone –depth 1 Pi-hole cd “Pi-hole/automated install/” sudo bash Installing Unbound More information about the purpose of Unbound is available on Pi-hole’s website. Essentially, Pi-hole with Unbound adds an additional layer of privacy and security to your network by lessening the possibility of a man-in-the-middle attack as well… Read More »Wireguard with Pi-hole, unbound and IPv6/DNSSEC/UFW

The problem with rtorrent

RTorrent is abandoned. Period. Don’t believe the Reddit posts about it otherwise, someone has an agenda with it. The seedbox companies make money off of rtorrent because they have to constantly maintain and debug rtorrent in order for it to work properly. Use QBittorrent or deluge instead, they are far easier to setup and have lots of features built in, work the same as rtorrent+rutorrent, with minimal setup fuss, and just work OOTB. You’ll regret using rtorrent, and so have I. Don’t waste your time, use something better.

How to use a manual lens on the Canon EOS M200 or any M Series camera

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Simple, follow the instructions at this link: Simply attach your lens, put the camera in a manual mode (Such as M, P, Tv, or Av), go into the custom functions and enable “Shutter release without lens attached.” The instructions at Canon’s support website will guide you. Hope that helps!

Welcome to PGH, fellow Yinzer!

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Having lived in Orlando, FL almost 20 years, I know the area well, especially the area around the University of Central Florida: I attended university from 2003-2011, worked in research park, and lived in some of the new developments along the Econlockhatchee reservation area.

Setting up Wireguard on BuyVM using Ubuntu with IPv4 (NAT) and IPv6 (routed)

Background steps Start with these steps prior to configuring your server (slice). Obtain your link-local subnet First, you’ll need a link-local subnet. Run the following commands: date +%s%Ncat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id Make note of the data that follows each command. Execute the following: printf <date-code><machine-id> | sha1sum Take the ensuing string before the dash and execute the following command: printf <string> | cut -c 31- The resulting string will be 10 digits that represent your link-local IP without the initial “fd” prefix. The commands in series when executed will look like the following: jeffl@thunder:~$ date +%s%N1691408593566195307jeffl@thunder:~$ cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id007cc62312139d9d7e0ed89a94007567jeffl@thunder:~$ printf 1691384330103279541007cc62312139d9d7e0ed89a94007567 | sha1sumbf9fac1f2453e2177384d0ef2ebb18014deef615 -jeffl@thunder:~$ printf bf9fac1f2453e2177384d0ef2ebb18014deef615 | cut… Read More »Setting up Wireguard on BuyVM using Ubuntu with IPv4 (NAT) and IPv6 (routed)

Installing Lighttpd on Ubuntu 22.04

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Update, 23/08/08: This guide works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Note that this guide will work for Ubuntu 20.04, but the configuration for 10-ssl.conf will have to change. The version of lighttpd that this version uses will not support symlinks or global privkey/pemfile settings. Paths to cert files have to be defined for each specific implementation of the ssl socket (one for IPv4 and one for IPv6), and the paths must link to the physical file on the system. This guide may have errors as of right now (I haven’t fully tested this since today’s update, so YMMV. If you run into issues, leave a comment… Read More »Installing Lighttpd on Ubuntu 22.04