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Installing Lighttpd on Ubuntu 22.04

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Update, 23/08/08: This guide works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Note that this guide will work for Ubuntu 20.04, but the configuration for 10-ssl.conf will have to change. The version of lighttpd that this version uses will not support symlinks or global privkey/pemfile settings. Paths to cert files have to be defined for each specific implementation of the ssl socket (one for IPv4 and one for IPv6), and the paths must link to the physical file on the system. This guide may have errors as of right now (I haven’t fully tested this since today’s update, so YMMV. If you run into issues, leave a comment… Read More »Installing Lighttpd on Ubuntu 22.04

Absolutely astonished…

I’ve been copying data off some old drives and onto my main storage array tonight. I came across a hard drive full of SD Card dumps from my photography days. The shining jewels of tonight’s labors are as follows. Note that I have absolutely so many photos that it would be impossible to filter through them all with the little time I have, and anyway, there are so many photos it’s just tedious to find the hidden gems in all the photos I’ve taken. Most of my photos are from 2013 from my Austin days, but I also did quite a bit of traveling that… Read More »Absolutely astonished…

Cloning a VirtualBox Ubuntu Server onto a KVM Slice with a smaller SSD than the VDI size

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Start off by shutting down your virtual server and cloning it (complete copy) of the original container. Download GParted LiveCD and boot it inside your cloned virtualbox container. Shrink and left align the partitions in gparted. Reboot and boot into your system. Boot back into gparted. Setup networking with the icon on the desktop. You will have 3 partitions. One is the grub partition, one is the boot partition, and one is your root directory. In the case you are using LVM, your LVM will appear in one partition. In this particular case, in VirtualBox, our partitions appear as /dev/sda#. On our KVM slice, our… Read More »Cloning a VirtualBox Ubuntu Server onto a KVM Slice with a smaller SSD than the VDI size

Why use parity?

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First, some background reading. I have been managing hard drive storage for many years now. While my experiences come from years of maintaining data, I am not an IT Professional (though I am an engineer). Start off by reading this article on Storage Spaces War Stories blog, a blog about Microsoft Storage Spaces among other things. The article linked is not specific to Microsoft Storage Spaces, it applies to Network Attached Storage (NAS) in general, including NAS appliances, Unraid servers, etc., or any sort of Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) environment. The idea in question is that of parity or RAID 5 to be… Read More »Why use parity?

Social Media Etiquette

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Today I’m going to discuss a topic which I myself am guilty of not fully living up to myself in recent times: social media etiquette. What is social media etiquette? To put it simply to explain, it’s the “what not to do” on social networking websites. I’m referring to LinkedIn, specifically. Now, I’m not saying you have to be the steadfast unwavering male priest in the roman catholic church. Even priests have their vices (they’re human) and so will you. Don’t take a holier than thou approach to etiquette, that’s part of etiquette as I will explain. Actually, the word etiquette is probably misleading so I will define: It’s not the “what… Read More »Social Media Etiquette