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Setting up Wireguard on BuyVM using Ubuntu with IPv4 (NAT) and IPv6 (routed)

Background steps Start with these steps prior to configuring your server (slice). Obtain your link-local subnet First, you’ll need a link-local subnet. Run the following commands: date +%s%Ncat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id Make note of the data that follows each command. Execute the following: printf <date-code><machine-id> | sha1sum Take the ensuing string before the dash and execute the following command: printf <string> | cut -c 31- The resulting string will be 10 digits that represent your link-local IP without the initial “fd” prefix. The commands in series when executed will look like the following: jeffl@thunder:~$ date +%s%N1691408593566195307jeffl@thunder:~$ cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id007cc62312139d9d7e0ed89a94007567jeffl@thunder:~$ printf 1691384330103279541007cc62312139d9d7e0ed89a94007567 | sha1sumbf9fac1f2453e2177384d0ef2ebb18014deef615 -jeffl@thunder:~$ printf bf9fac1f2453e2177384d0ef2ebb18014deef615 | cut… Read More »Setting up Wireguard on BuyVM using Ubuntu with IPv4 (NAT) and IPv6 (routed)

Cloning a VirtualBox Ubuntu Server onto a KVM Slice with a smaller SSD than the VDI size

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Start off by shutting down your virtual server and cloning it (complete copy) of the original container. Download GParted LiveCD and boot it inside your cloned virtualbox container. Shrink and left align the partitions in gparted. Reboot and boot into your system. Boot back into gparted. Setup networking with the icon on the desktop. You will have 3 partitions. One is the grub partition, one is the boot partition, and one is your root directory. In the case you are using LVM, your LVM will appear in one partition. In this particular case, in VirtualBox, our partitions appear as /dev/sda#. On our KVM slice, our… Read More »Cloning a VirtualBox Ubuntu Server onto a KVM Slice with a smaller SSD than the VDI size